(August 2023 - April 2024)
Fullstack Developer
constcoder={name:'Oussama Mlahfi',skills:['React', 'NextJS', 'TailwindCSS', 'Laravel', 'MySql', 'Docker', 'AWS'],hardWorker:true,quickLearner:true,problemSolver:true,hireable:function() {return(this.hardWorker&&this.problemSolver&&this.skills.length>=5);};};
Who I am?
I’m a developer who also designs, with a keen interest in web and mobile technology. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and helping others adopt the technologies I’m passionate about. I do this by blogging about my work and developing open-source projects.Check out my portfolio, to get an idea of what i do.
(August 2023 - April 2024)
Fullstack Developer
(September 2021 - January 2024)
FullStack Developer
Beste (freelance)
(February 2022 - February)
Frontend Developer
EasySTD (freelance)
constproject={name:'Helpify',tools: ['React.js', 'Next.js', 'TailwindCSS', 'Shopify', 'Cloudflare Workers', 'Strapi],myRole:Fullstack Developer,Description:
● Developed and maintained front-end applications using Next.js and Tailwind CSS.
● Built and deployed a website for a school (nielsbohr.ma) using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Strapi.
● Created the company website (helpify.ma) using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Strapi.
● Developed an online store (shahine.ma) using Shopify and Cloudflare Workers.
constproject={name:'Beste',tools: ['ReactJS', 'Next.js', 'TailwindCSS', 'Strapi', 'AWS S3],myRole:Full Stack Developer,Description:
● Developed and maintained front-end applications using Next.js, React, and Tailwind CSS.
● Built several websites using Next.js, React, Tailwind CSS, and Strapi.
● Contributed to projects focused on creating user-friendly websites to help users easily find the information they need.
constproject={name:'EasySTD',tools: ['Next.js', 'CraftCMS', 'TailwindCSS],myRole:Full Stack Developer,Description:
● Developed a proof of concept for migrating the old website to Next.js and CraftCMS headless GraphQL API.
● Improved website performance and SEO in the proof of concept, optimizing for millions of pages.
● Demonstrated enhanced scalability and maintainability using modern web technologies.